Gaya Marah dan Dampaknya Pada Kesehatan

Bagaimana gaya marah Anda? Suka memendam emosi, meledak-ledak atau mengalihkan emosi ke hal lain? Setiap orang memiliki cara masing-masing untuk merespons emosi tersebut. Dan ternyata, cara Anda merespons emosi bisa berdampak pada kesehatan tubuh.  Emosi adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk keadaan mental dan fisiologis yang berhubungan dengan beragam perasaan, pikiran dan perilaku. Setiap manusia memiliki emosi, entah senang dan gembira, marah ataupun sedih. Tidak ada yang salah d...

Lima “Tidak” untuk Mereka yang Atheis

LIMA “TIDAK” UNTUK MEREKA YANG ATHEIS Oleh, Prayitno “TIDAK TAHU”. Mereka tidak tahu bahwa Tuhan benar-benar ada. Mereka (mungkin) mencari-cari tentang bukti adanya Tuhan. Mencari-cari ke mana-mana; sayangnya tidak mau bertanya. Atau paling-paling bertanya pada diri sendiri, yang jawabannya akan sama saja., yaitu tidak mengerti. Malu bertanya? Sesat di jalan! Tidak mau bertanya? Namanya sombong! Sudah yakin bahwa dirinya tahu? Selain sombong ...

KONDISI PSIKOLOGIS SISWA DALAM MENGHADAPI UJIAN NASIONAL (CARA MENGATASINYA) Oleh, Prof. Dr. Mungin Eddy Wibowo, M.Pd., Kons Pada tanggal 16–19 April 2012 akan dilaksanakan Ujian Nasional (UN) untuk tingkat SMA/MA, SMALB, SMK, tanggal 22-26 April 2012 untuk SMP/MTs, dan SMPLB, dan tanggal 7-9 Mei 2012 untuk SD/MI,dan SDLB. Untuk mempersiapkan menghadapi UN tersebut, siswa selain mempelajari materi pelajaran yang diujikan juga perlu mempersiapkan diri dari segi psikologis ...


We band-about expressions on a daily basis such as "I am so stressed." or I am depressed because it's Monday.” It is understandable that when a person is truly depressed their suffering may not be fully comprehended by others. Family members may tell them to pull themselves together or get-a-grip.             Depression is probably one of the most difficult states to describe. Clinically we have a checklist of symptoms (see below) t...


Anxiety, stress, unable to cope can be one of the most common and most frightening issues that come through our door for help. All consuming and impacting every day and every evening need not be your coninued experience. There are many tried and tested ways of working with anxiety that produce fast and long lasting results. Once the anxiety is in-check we like to also look at how we got to this state and what could make you less vulnerable to experiencing unmanageable anxiety. &nbs...

Transformational Counseling

by: Dr Harry Henshaw Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to transform their lives. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others in their reinventing themselves, of creating a life that they love and living it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is a process of creating a space for others to get present to or become aware of their self limiting belief, to create or invent a possibility for themselves and their life that could not have existed be...

The Heart of Discipline

by: Charlotte Reznick, Ph.D An enraged mom pulls her son into my office. At her wits end with her 10-year-old's acting out behavior at school, she demanded to come into his private counseling session without notice. Across town his dad had a different reaction - on his son's weekend visit, while staying very calm, he put his misbehaving boy over his knee - and whacked him.* Though parenting books and classes abound, parents are still at a loss for how to discipline their children. Th...

Managing Your Anxieties, Self Esteem, and Self Confidence

by: Stan Popovich Some people have a difficult time in managing their anxieties and fears. In addition, a person's Self Esteem and self-confidence can also suffer. As a result, here is a list of techniques a person can use to help manage their anxieties, fears, and Self Esteem. Remember that practice makes perfect. Whenever it comes to dealing with your anxieties or any other task; practice, patience, and persistence is the name of the game. If you don't get the desired results the fir...

by: Charlotte Reznick, Ph.D. Your nine year old is teased at school for being the new kid in class, or being too fat, or answering correctly one too many times, and tells you he wants to run away or kill himself. Your six year old feels humiliated at soccer practice cause she can't kick the ball as well as the other girls (never mind they had a year more practice) and wants to quit. Your four year old's preschool teacher complains to you about your son being too aggressive with the other...

Relaxation Techniques

by: Kyrah Malan Wouldn't it be blissful to be able to remain more calm and relaxed even under the most Stressful situations? What would it feel like to be able to regain our balance even when we're caught off-guard? The following Relaxation techniques are designed specifically to help you accomplish these goals. The benefits of Relaxation techniques on our physical being are fairly well known, for example: lower blood pressure, greater blood flow to the muscles, fewer tension headache...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

by: Sam Vaknin Contrary to popular misconceptions, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Acute Stress Disorder (or Reaction) are not typical responses to prolonged abuse. They are the outcomes of sudden exposure to severe or extreme Stressors (Stressful events). Some victims whose life or body have been directly and unequivocally threatened by an abuser react by developing these syndromes. PTSD is, therefore, typically associated with the aftermath of physical and sexual abuse in both...

Islamic Perspective of Counseling

Islamic Perspective of Counseling By: Imam Magid The Muslim community in the United States faces a great deal of social challenges brought about by forces from the mainstream society. The forces of the media; the presence of guns, alcohol, and drugs; the proliferation of adultery and fornication; and, the atmosphere of a society lacking guidance all contribute to the challenges faced by our communities. These outside forces have exaggerated all the simple tasks of creating families, raising c...

Online Counseling

Do you think you might benefit from one-on-one counseling but lack the time or ability to commit to it? Online Counseling can be a time-sensitive and cost effective alternative to in-office treatment. Browse our database of top-rated online therapists to find an e-counselor today.    What Makes a Good Online Counselor? Though you may never meet your online counselor in person, it is crucial to thoroughly assess each potential adviser as if you were to meet with him or her fa...

Oleh, Khairul Bariyyah*) Salah satu pendekatan konseling dan psikoterapi yang dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran postmodern adalah pendekatan Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). Dalam beberapa literatur pendekatan SFBT juga disebut sebagai Terapi Konstruktivis (Constructivist Therapy), ada pula yang menyebutnya dengan Terapi Berfokus Solusi (Solution Focused Therapy), selain itu juga disebut Konseling Singkat Berfokus Solusi (Solution Focused Brief Counseling) dari semua sebutan untuk SFBT sejatin...

Tipe Kepribadian Manusia

Menurut Paul Gunadi (2005) kepriobadian seseorang dapat dikelompokkan kepada sejumlah tipe sebagi berikut: Tipe Sanguin. Seseorang dengan tipe sangunin memiliki ciri-ciri antara lain, kuat, bersemangat, bergairah dan dapat menciptakan suasana gembira. Di sampin itu orang dengan tipe ini memiliki kelemahan yaitu cenderung impulsif, bertindak sesuai dengan emosinya atau keinginannya, sangat mudah dipemgaruhi oranglain dan kurang bisaa menguasai diri. Tipe Flegmatik...